Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just like that . At one fell swoop tree lined Dund... ReQuiem for tree lined Dundrum
Just like that . At one fell swoop tree lined Dundrum is no more and another part of our little heritage is gone . We live in an age of thuggery . Trees are in the forefront of our battle to save the planet and now they are going to be replaced by another factory of carbon dioxide creation . It is sad to see a tree lined street reduced to a mono state of greyness.Ironically it is tree week so while our media give us lovely soft centred stories on the role that trees play in our environment and this message is emphasised in trees being planted by little children meanwhile the adults in power are removing these "arboreal nuisances". Was there any preservation order on these trees and where was Dunlaoghaire Rathdown' s officials ,busy creating another biodiversity park ?,while the living environment is literally being torn out under their very eyes .
Labels: ReQuiem for tree lined Dundrum

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